Experienced contractors know that there is absolutely no way to keep dust from spreading from the jobsite to other areas of the home. I am amazed at the audacity of some contractors to promise “dustless remodeling” when the laws of nature cannot be altered.

My position on the best policy is to simply not to lie to clients about dust.

Dust is going to happen if you are remodeling a room in your home, especially one that is near the center of your home. We can and will minimize it, but dust will find it's way through vents, crevices in plastic curtains we put up, adjacent windows, and other ways.

During remodeling, we offer these tips to help control dust:

  • Turn off your furnace/AC during work hours, this is a major culprit
  • Block all vents in the work area with plastic or tape (RS Remodeling will do this a standard procedure)
  • Plastic seal all areas where demolition will occur, as well as the path to the outside where materials will be disposed of (again, our standard procedure)
  • Don't sweep smaller debris, vacuum it up with a shop vacuum, and change the filter often (we love our Ridgid vacuums available from Home Depot)
  • Keep the area sealed off even when no work is occurring, a lot of dust if transferred to other areas of the home due to foot traffic and dust picked up by clothing

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